More than LGBTQIA+ representation, I really liked the way Perri used the book to comment on gender constructs and society’s perceptions of gender. Cassidy’s attitudes to her clothing and the ways she views herself was a refreshing and poignant part of the book. This quote in particular resonated with me: “Getting called “sir” was no more or less correct than getting called “ma’am” or “miss”. None felt exactly right, so it was all the same to Cassidy.” Cassidy was very much used as a paradigm to show how gender constructs are thrust onto everyone and actually, they don’t reflect how everyone feels so why are they also so assumed?
While I enjoyed this book for its romance, overall I don’t think it went very deeply into the story. The book was only 264 pages and I think it perhaps would have been more impactful had it explored things in a bit more detail. Katie questioned herself and her sexuality throughout but I wouldn’t say this book has bisexual representation – Katie very much felt like a straight woman who happened to fancy another woman. With one dimensional characters, a truckload of stereotypes, and a superficial storyline this book just felt a bit lacking.

Title: When Katie Met Cassidy
Author: Camille Perri
Type: Fiction
Published: 2018
Gaslighting, Homophobia
5.8Cute, Fun, Underdeveloped
When Katie Met Cassidy is a contemporary romance set in New York. Katie’s world is turned upside down when her fiancé leaves her for her best friend and then suddenly at work, she is thrown in to the path of Cassidy; a fierce and fascinating woman, Katie is infatuated from the first moment they meet. After both feeling intrigued by each other, they agree to go for a drink and what ensues is a friendship in which both women learn from each other… but will it ever become more than that?

“Still, even after all these years of digging in her heels, of refusing to bend to conventions of the straight world, sometimes it was just plain hard.”

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I read this quite quickly and enjoyed it overall but I don’t think it does anything groundbreaking or memorable. It’s an okay, cute story, but only really scratches the surface of these characters’ personalities. Had Perri used it to include a few more subtle but impactful themes, storylines or characters, I would have been more impressed. Cute and fun, but all in all a bit forgettable!

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