About the author
Twitter: www.twitter.com/HelenCBuckley
Emily tells Blake that, “Christmas is a wonderful time for second chances, for turning over a new leaf, for trying to be the best person you can be, for making amends for past mistakes.”. I think it’s fair to say that Blake takes this advice on board resulting in a really heart-warming read.
Ever since I was little I wanted to be a writer, to turn daydreams into books. I’m fascinated by fame, in love with Happy Ever Afters, and enthralled by slow-burn romances. I squeeze in time to write around looking after my two sons. Find out more about me on my website http://www.buckleybooks.org
Some of the clients’ stories made me feel so sad, knowing that although they were fictional, these situations are all too real for many people. It made me feel so grateful and a bit humble to be in the fortunate position I am, with a warm house, with a loving family around me and not having to worry about paying the bills.
My Thoughts
Strictly Christmas Spirit maybe didn’t have as much Strictly style dancing in it as I’d thought there might be, but there is certainly plenty of Christmas spirit and I really enjoyed it!
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Author website: www.buckleybooks.org
I liked the way the story flipped between the points of view of Emily and Blake. Emily was so dedicated to her work managing a community centre, helping some of the most vulnerable in society. Blake was there under duress but much to his surprise finds he can empathize with some of the service users. The mystery of what had happened to Emily in the past and why she had quit both Strictly and dancing added a bit suspense to the story. I thought it was such a shame that she felt inferior to her high achieving family who also worked in ways that benefit the vulnerable. She was just doing the same on a smaller but no less important scale.
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As a big fan of Strictly and having enjoyed one of Helen Buckley’s earlier books, I was really looking forward to reading this book. Helen recently took part in my #AuthorInTheFestiveSpotlight feature and you can read that here
About the book
From disco balls to Christmas baubles …
Ex-dancer Emily Williams turned her back on the sparkle of popular dancing show Strictly Dancing with Celebs to help those in need. Now the only dancing she does is teaching lonely pensioners to waltz, and the closest she gets to disco balls is making baubles with the homeless people in her Christmas crafts class.
She’s certainly not star-struck when Hollywood heart-throb Blake Harris is sent to her at short notice for community service, and has no desire to babysit the arrogant actor with his bad boy antics and selfish ways. Christmas might be a time for miracles, but Blake seems to be a lost cause.
But Emily’s reasons for abandoning her dancing passion means she understands the Hollywood wild child more than she’d like to admit. Could their time together, coupled with a dash of Christmas spirit, lead to a miracle change of heart for them both?
Book 3 in Helen’s Spotlight series but they can all be read as standalone stories.
Thanks to Liz at ChocLit for my review copy of the book and Rachel’s Random Resources for the opportunity to take part in the tour. Strictly Christmas Spirit is available now and you can order your copy here: Strictly Christmas Spirit

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