As with the other books, the story focusses on four main characters and we hear what is happening to them in chapters covering two hour periods over the course of one day. And what a momentous day it is to be for all the characters. I really enjoy this way of telling the story as it makes it seem really fast- paced and each character’s chapter ends with you wanting to know more and desperate to read on!
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As the sun rises on a hot summer’s day, four lives are about to be changed forever…
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After losing her husband, Harriet Bassett can no longer bear her lonely life. Today, a familiar face in a crowd will spark a quest to discover if there’s something and someone worth living for.
My thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for inviting me to be part of the tour and for providing a review copy from Netgalley. One Summer Sunrise is published by Boldwood Books and available now in ebook format. You can buy your copy here: One Summer SunriseAbout the AuthorBetween sunrise and sunset, there’s love, heartbreak, laughter and tears, but who will find happiness at the end of the day?Today, Maisie McTeer decides to track down the ex who jilted her at the altar. Today, she’ll find out that revisiting the past can also rewrite her future.However, Kelly, has a bombshell of her own. How will Scott react to the news that a new arrival is on the way to fill their empty nest?Scott and Kelly Bassett’s daughter is leaving home. Today, Scott plans to tell Kelly that he’s ending their marriage to pursue his rock and roll dreams.
Maisie is an actress and singer, helping out at a graduation fundraiser. Scott is planning to tell his wife that he’s leaving her after their daughter Carny leaves home. Kelly, his wife, has news and secrets of her own. And Harriet, a widow in her 80s, is getting home after a stay in hospital and dreading it. Her husband had always insisted that they keep themselves to themselves and now that he’s gone, the loneliness is overwhelming.

In real life, once upon a time she met a guy, got engaged after a week, and twenty-something years later she lives near Glasgow with her husband and a labradoodle. Her two teenagers have now left home, so she spends an inordinate amount of time on video calls checking if they’re eating well and keeping up to date with their laundry.In late 2020, her first novel, What If? (originally published in 2001) was updated and re-released and became a best seller. In January 2021, the sequel, What Now? was released and joined What If? on the best-seller charts.From the back of the bookFacebook:
For all the latest news, visit Shari on Facebook, twitter, instagram or at
I loved following all the stories and trying to guess not just how they’d resolve but also how they’d connect. I felt so engaged with each of the characters’ lives and so concerned for how everything was going to play out. That’s one of Shari Low’s talents, making her readers really believe in her characters and really care about what happens to them. I found this to be a really compelling read and flew through the pages.
Oh I do enjoy these books by Shari Low which take place over the course of 24 hours. I loved all three books in her winter trilogy and the summer book which was published last year. So it’ll come as no surprise to know that I loved this one too! There are some connections to previous books so you may recognise some of the characters you’ve met before, such as Hope and Maisie in this one. In fact, I hope we’re going to meet some of the characters again in a future book. Don’t worry if you haven’t read other books though, as the story is a completely standalone read.
In January 2021, Shari Low celebrated 20 years as a best selling novelist. In that time, she has published over 25 books, including A Life Without You, The Story Of Our Life, Temptation Street, My One Month Marriage, One Day In Summer and her non-fiction collection of parenthood memories, Because Mummy Said So.
I really liked the multi-generational aspect of the book, with love and friendship explored from youth to old age. There were plenty laugh out loud moments but also some really beautifully written emotional scenes. There was one point near the end when I was just about cheering out loud for Maisie for a variety of reasons! Shari Low is just brilliant at capturing the highs and lows of life and bringing them together in wonderfully uplifting, emotionally engaging books. I highly recommend this for your summer reading list.

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