Jules Wake is one of my favourite authors and I’m sorry I haven’t had time to fit in a review in time for publication day today. I do intend to read The Wednesday Morning Wild Swim soon though so look out for my review in the next few weeks. Where I live, I can see the sea from my window and often see wild swimmers. Quite a few of my friends swim almost every morning and their photos always look so beautiful. Maybe one day, I’ll be brave enough to give it a go myself! Thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for having me as part of the book tour and for providing all the info I needed so far in advance. The Wednesday Morning Wild Swim is out today from One More Chapter in ebook and the paperback will follow in July.
But with the help of some unlikely friends, young and old, and a scruffy dog who just can’t help getting into trouble, a new community is formed – just when they all need each other the most.
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Jules Wake is the internationally bestselling author of over ten books including The Saturday Morning Park Run. She also writes as Julie Caplin and her Romantic Escapes series has hit the bestseller charts around the world.
Twitter @Juleswake
He’s trying to forget his past.

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About the Author
She’s trying to figure out her future.
About the book
After reading English at the University of East Anglia, Jules Wake worked in PR where she honed her fiction writing skills on press releases.  She’s now a full-time author and what better job is there than making stuff up! It certainly beats housework.
Instagram @juleswakeauthor

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