As well as the main protagonists of Eve and Logan, there are some great minor characters such as Freda who runs The Nook, the village shop, and knows everything that’s going on and George, one of the island’s fisherman who you wouldn’t want to get too close to!
Escape to Darling Cove: New Horizons is part one in a brand new series from Holly Hepburn. Over the course of this year, all four parts will be published. It’s set on a fictional island of the Northumberland coast although once you’ve read it you may feel it’s as a real a place as Lindisfarne. The first part is just 99p for Kindle right now so well worth a read.
About the AuthorAbout the bookEve and Logan get off to a bad start when her dog knocks him flying on the beach and he breaks an expensive camera. Not that she knows he’s called Logan as he’s booked in under a false name. This is the first part of a four part series so in this book we are really getting to know the characters. The dynamic between Logan and Eve is fun to read about as they really rub each other up the wrong way and misunderstand each other. However, when what Logan is running from explodes into the public domain, he realises that he very much needs the support of this small island community. And he gets it.My Thoughts
Logan is a famous photographer desperate to get away from the bad press after a difficult break-up. Renting a cabin from Eve, he chooses Darling Cove for it’s beautiful views and the hope of anonymity.
Eve has always lived on Ennisfarne, an idyllic island just off the coast of Northumberland and only accessible when tides are low. There she runs a bar on Darling Cove, named after her ancestors who settled there many year ago.
Holly Hepburn has wanted to write books for as long she can remember but she was too scared to try. One day she decided to be brave and dipped a toe into the bubble bath of romantic fiction with her first novella, Cupidity, and she’s never looked back. She often tries to be funny to be funny, except for when faced with traffic wardens and border control staff. Her favourite things are making people smile and Aidan Turner.
The brand new novella series from Holly Hepburn, author of Coming Home to Brightwater Bay. Parts one to four in the new series are available to pre-order now.
The pair don’t get off to the best start, butting heads over Eve’s adorable but boisterous Chocolate lab. But when Logan’s famous identity is revealed, Eve can’t resist the urge to help him.
She lives near London with her grey tabby cat, Portia. They both have an unhealthy obsession with Marmite.
Escape to Darling Cove part one is published in ebook by Simon & Schuster UK.
All parts are available to pre-order now and the paperback of the full story will be published next year. My thanks to Sara-Jade Virtue for sending me an e-copy to review.

She’s tried many jobs over the years, from barmaid to market researcher and she even had a brief flirtation with modelling. These days she is mostly found writing.
Holly Hepburn has a knack for creating fabulous settings and the island of Ennisfarne was no exception. After I’d read it, I felt as if I knew the beach, the cove and the rock formations quite well. To be honest, just the lovely village shop with its fab deli would sell it to me as a perfect get away from it all holiday destination.
With a truce and blossoming friendship developing between Eve and Logan, I look forward to finding out what happens next in part two of the series, Hidden Depths, when it comes out in July.