I am thrilled to welcome Joanne from Portobello Book Blog to Beverley Has Read today to discuss her Desert Island Books.

Hello I’m Joanne and my blog is Portobello Book Blog In my spare time, I like to go for walks. I live in Portobello which is on the outskirts of Edinburgh…
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Beverley Has Read
The premise is simple – imagine you have ended up on a desert island. You have sufficient food and clean water but you need something to occupy your mind. You can bring 5 books with you to your island paradise, but what would they be? And why? Oh, and you’re also allowed to bring a fictional character from literature with you, who would you choose?


Delighted to feature on Beverley’s blog today. Read on to find out what five books I’d take to a Desert Island and which fictional character I’d like to join me. 🏝️

Hello and welcome to another instalment of Desert Island Books! This is a monthly feature where I chat to bloggers, authors and people from the book industry about the books they love.

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