Robert Jones, Jr. is a writer from Brooklyn, N.Y. He earned both his B.F.A. in creative writing and M.F.A. in fiction from Brooklyn College. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Essence and The Paris Review. He is the creator of the social justice social media community, Son of Baldwin. The Prophets is his debut novel.
But, Amos – a fellow slave – has begun to direct suspicion towards the two men and their refusal to bend. Their flickering glances, unspoken words and wilful intention, revealing a truth that threatens to rock the stability of the plantation. And preaching the words of Massa Paul’s gospel, he betrays them.
The Prophets is the debut novel of Robert Jones Jr and was published by Riverrun on 5 January 2021. It tells the tale of Samuel and Isaiah, two slaves in love, who are betrayed by another slave Amos.
*The giveaway ends midnight Sunday 14 March 2021. The prize will be sent directly from Riverrun and neither they nor I accept responsibility if it is lost in the post. Entrants must be in the UK only I’m afraid and there is no cash alternative. *
The lovely people at Riverrun have given me a copy to giveaway. For a chance to win simply comment below with the name the slaves gave to the plantation.
The Halifax plantation is known as Empty by the slaves who work it under the pitiless gaze of its overseers and its owner, Massa Paul. Two young enslaved men, Samuel and Isaiah dwell among the animals they keep in the barn, helping out in the fields when their day is done. But the barn is their haven, a space of radiance and love – away from the blistering sun and the cruelty of the toubabs – where they can be alone together.
You can follow Robert Jones Jr on Twitter @SonofBaldwin