My current book group is just me and my best friends. Obviously we’ve not been able to meet in person for a while but we’ve rattled through loads of books over the past months and if we don’t like someone else’s choice, well it doesn’t matter. It’s always fun guessing what the others will have thought about each book. We have a laugh and enjoy each others company whether online or in person and that’s what a book group should be about. As well as the books of course!
Lottie wants to enjoy her book club which meets in the local library but it’s so stuffy, she doesn’t enjoy the books and feels like she is being told off every time she goes. So she decides to start her own book club where socialising, gin and cake will be just as important as discussing the books and the books will be the kind of books you’d want to take on holiday. They will be romantic, uplifting and fun!
Website: http://kathrynfreeman.co.uk
I used to go to a book club similar to the one Lottie describes at the beginning of the book. The people were lovely but the books could be a bit heavy going at times. I vividly remember having just talked enthusiastically about a book I’d actually enjoyed then feeling rather humiliated when the next person described it scathingly as ‘chick lit with a veneer’. I didn’t go back. So I completely sympathised with Lottie wanting to read more enjoyable, feel-good books. As her mum says, they are about hope and joy, about handling life’s challenges and about love which as we all know is one of the most important things in life.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathrynfreeman
When Lottie Watt is unceremoniously booted out of her uptight book club for not following the rules, she decides to throw the rulebook out the window and start her own club – one where conversation, gin and cake take precedent over actually having read the book!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KathrynFreeman1
The Beach Reads Book Club soon finds a home for its meetings at Books by the Bay, a charming bookshop and café owned by gorgeous, brooding Matthew Steele, and as the book club picks heat up, so too does the attraction between Matt and Lottie.
Lottie’s own love story is with Matt who owns Books by the Bay, the bookshop overlooking the Solent where the book club meets. Matt is gorgeous, of course, if somewhat gruff! There are some rather hot scenes between the two but Lottie should know from her favourite romance novels that things don’t always run smoothly and the return of an ex might just throw a spanner in the works. Will she get her own happy ever after? I was so hoping she would, but you’ll need to read the book for yourself to find out.
With a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to buy a card (yes, he does), any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn’t always about hearts and flowers – and heroes come in many disguises.
Lottie describes a beach read book as one you’d want to take on holiday, a book that’s easy to pick up and put down. Well, it was certainly easy to pick up this book but not so easy to put it down. A really entertaining read, it ticks all the boxes for an uplifting romcom. I’d love to be part of the Beach Reads Book Club!
US AMAZON https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0931Y5W12
Welcome to the Beach Reads Book Club…where love is just a page away…
If there’s anything Lottie has learned from the romances she’s been reading, it’s that the greatest loves are the ones hardest earned.
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The members of the Beach Reads Book Club although different ages and at different stages of life quickly become good friends and a real support to each other. All had something to add to the story but special mention must be made of Audrey, in her 80s but loving all the raunchy scenes in the books and somehow managing to bring sex into every conversation. She was hilarious!

A former pharmacist, I’m now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a sexy hero. From the back of the book
About the Author
Purchase Links
UK AMAZON https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0931Y5W12
A love letter to chicklit, romance, romcoms, whatever you want to call them!