My thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invitation to take part in the tour and for providing a review copy of the book. Snug in Iceland is published by Ever After Books and is available as a paperback and ebook. You can order your copy here: Snug in Iceland

We stayed in this house

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What I so enjoyed about this book was reading about all the places I had visited last year from the town of Reykjavik itself to the Blue Lagoon, Geysir and Gulfoss. It really made me want to go back again. Victoria Walker describes the town so well that I can imagine anyone reading the book will want to book themselves a trip to Iceland as soon as possible to experience it for themselves. I think I recognised a coffee shop we visited which was also a bookshop. Somehow though, we didn’t visit Rachel’s regular haunt of Te & Kaffi so obviously I need to go there when we go back!

The Laundromat Cafe

About the Book

After the snow outside our house

About the Author
UK Snug In Iceland
US Snug In Iceland
Victoria Walker lives in the Malvern Hills with her husband and two teenage children. She is an avid reader of contemporary romance but tempers this addiction by being a member of a book club where she is often surprised by her enjoyment of other genres. She also loves sewing and knitting and Scandinavian dramas.
Rachel Richards is stuck in a rut. Her boyfriend Adam barely notices her most of the time and her life in London isn’t as exciting as it should be. When the company she works for, Snug, asks her to oversee the opening of a new store in Iceland, she jumps at the chance for a change of scenery. Exploring Reykjavik with the help of Icelandic tour guide Jonas, Rachel discovers that life is out there waiting to be lived. As she falls in love with Iceland, she begins to see what is important to her and wonders whether the life she left behind is what she wants after all…
I really enjoyed my virtual trip to Iceland in the company of Rachel and Jonas. This is a perfect book to curl up with on chilly, dark nights. So get yourself all cosy with a blanket, hot drink and some candles, create that snug ambience and enjoy this heart-warming romance in a cold climate.
There is the romance element of the book too. As I mentioned, Rachel’s relationship with Adam seems to be at a bit of a dead end, although perhaps a weekend visit to see her might rekindle the spark. However, there are also sparks of attraction flying between Rachel and handsome tour guide Jonas and when a Northern Lights sightseeing trip sees them stranded in a snowstorm, who knows what might happen!
In February 2020, before the world shut down, I was lucky enough to visit Iceland with my family. This book is set in Reykjavik also in February so reading this book was like a wee trip down memory lane. I’ve scattered a few of my photos throughout this post.

Snug in Iceland is a clever title as the main character, Rachel, works for a company called Snug and they are opening a store in Reykjavik. With her relationship with Adam seeming a bit stale, she heads off for a few weeks to oversee the stocking and opening of the shop. That was actually really interesting to read about. I didn’t know much about what happens before a shop opens. With its blankets, cushions, candles and so on, it definitely lived up to its name of Snug and I’d need to keep my daughters well away from that shop!

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