Reading took a bit of a back burner this month as I discovered Unforgotten and had to binge watch the first three series so I could watch the latest one. No spoilers here but I’ve decided the only way I can get over the fourth series is to pretend it never happened. I’ll jump from series 3 to 5 and we shall all never mention series 4 again.
As for books, it had seemed like I’d not received many. In fact I know of 8 books (the shortlisted titles for the Rathbone Folio Prize) had been sent out but never arrived. They are stuck residing in the eco-system that is Royal Mail’s lost post. However, though they arrived in dribs and drabs, it turns out there were quite a few. How many? Well have a look below to see. But there were definitely more in than went out this month.
Here’s what I managed to read:

  1. A Quiet Death in Italy by Tom Benjamin, a present to my mum which she sent back to me to read after she’d done with it (that of course was the plan all along when I bought it).
  2. A Mediation on Murder by Robert Thorogood, another present to my mum (see above for details).
  3. The Case of the Gilded Fly by Edmund Crispin, yep, another present for my mum.
  4. Everything Happens for a Reason by Katie Allen, sent for review by Orenda.
  5. Cathedral by Ben Hopkins, sent for review by Europa Editions.
  6. Remote Sympathy by Catherine Chidgey, sent for review by Europa Editions.
  7. Animal by Lisa Taddeo, sent for review by Bloomsbury.
  8. The Therapist by Helene Flood, sent for review by McLehose.
  9. Yours Cheerfully by A.J. Pearce, sent for review by Picador.
  10. A Trip of One’s Own by Kate Wills, sent for review by Blink.
  11. Three Weddings and a Proposal by Sheila O’Flanagan.
  12. The Final Revival of Opal and Nev by Dawnie Walton.
  13. The Secret Bridesmaid by Katy Birchall, sent for review with the previous two books by Team Bookends.
  14. The Stranding by Kate Sawyer, sent for review by Coronet.
  15. The Ophelia Girls by Jane Healey, sent for review by Mantle.
  16. The World at My Feet by Catherine Isaac, sent for review by Simon & Schuster.
  17. This is How We Are Human by Louise Beech.
  18. One Last Time by Helga Flatlands, this and the previous book were sent for review by Orenda.
  19. Exciting Times by Naiose Dolan, the first book with my NB subscription (which I received for being shortlisted for their Blogger Book Prize).
  20. Two-Way Murder by ECR Lorac, sent for review by the British Library.
  21. Palace of the Drowned by Christine Mangan, sent for review by Little, Brown.
  22. Don’t Turn Around by Jessica Barry, sent for review by Vintage.
  23. Date with Deceit by Julia Chapman, sent for review by Pan Macmillan.
  24. Daughters of Night by Laura Shepherd-Robinson. a Mother’s Day present.
  25. A Road to Extinction by Jonathan Lawley, sent for review by Envelope Books.
  26. Lost Souls by Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman, sent for review by Arrow.

2021 keeps on marching on at a pace, despite of the lockdown. The evenings keep on getting lighter, the weather usually warmer and the sense of Spring is definitely in the air.
Happy reading.

  1. The Lamplighters by Emma Stonex.
  2. Where Stands a Winged Sentry by Margaret Kennedy.
  3. The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward.
  4. A Trip of One’s Own by Kate Wills.
  5. This Nowhere Place by Natasha Bell.
  6. The Secret Bridesmaid by Katy Birchall.
  7. The Woman Novelist and other stories by Diana Gardner.
  8. A Quiet Death in Italy by Tom Benjamin.

Here’s what made it’s way to me this month:
So there we are, 26 in and 8 out, not even I can pretend that balances. Hopefully more books will be read in April now I have my Unforgotten marathon finished. We shall see. I hope you had a great March and here’s to an April where light is emerging from the end of the tunnel.

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