9.1Addictive, Heart-warming, Beautiful
Title: Autoboyography
Author: Christina Lauren
Type: Fiction
Published: 2017
Pages: 404
TW: Homophobia, Depression, Disowning

Since reading this and The Song of Achilles in such quick secession, I’ve decided that the niche of romance I love is the I WILL DIE FOR YOU variety rather than any run of the mill realistic, ordinary (yawn) romance. There were moments in this book that you could so palpably feel Tanner’s love for Sebastian that my heart just melts thinking about it. It made the book such an escapism and I loved being in that world for all its 404 pages.
“This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.” 

Autoboyography is a young adult romance set in Utah. Concerning Sebastian and Tanner, they meet when Tanner signs up for the Seminar – a class in which the students must write a book in 4 months, and a class which Sebastian took the previous year and now tutors thanks to the fact he sold the book he wrote for it. Tanner is instantly infatuated by Sebastian, and finds himself unable to concentrate while he’s there, so instead pours his heart into the book he’s writing which ends up being about… them. The only problem in real life? Sebastian is a closeted mormon who is about to go on a mission for 2 years, so predictably, the course of true love never did run smooth…

As previously stated (approximately a bajillion times) I love me a good YA romance, and oh boy did this tick all those boxes. As a protagonist Tanner was a typical teenager in that everything that went wrong in his life felt like the end of the world. But I liked how dramatic he was because it heightened the story and just made everything way more intense (in a good way). And because of that I was so invested in Tanner and Sebastian’s story.

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Sure there are plot holes here and there, and like any good book, you know this is probably not how things would pan out in real life, but let’s be honest, that’s not why we like reading! I loved Autoboyography for its intense swooning and the way it made all little mishaps feel like the world was falling apart in a justifiably dramatic YA romance kind of way. I just have one qualm… WHERE IS THE SEQUEL!?

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