Do you have a work in progress just now?

More about the Author
Yes, it’s something quite different, straight thriller, no comedy.  The provisional title is And then I’ll know.  It follows a police woman as a present day investigation into a serial killer intersects with the disappearance of her father 20 years before. Just finished the first draft, just have to go back through and weed out the mistakes and plot holes.
Well I would say The Meal of Fortune, of course.  People have said it would work well as a film.  Other than that, perhaps John Connolly’s Charlie Parker books (see above) or The Thought Gang by Tibor Fishche – hilarious and chronically underrated.
In a nutshell, what is your book about?
Actually not sure. I was going to do a small scale local launch party, perhaps in our local independent bookshop, but COVID’s put paid to that.  Maybe something in the summer.
In a word, long.  And in two words, very long.  The Meal of Fortune, which is the first book in the series was published in 2017.  It was the third book that I had written but the first to see the light of day.  I published with crowd funded publisher Unbound.  The whole experience was great although ultimately sales were not.  So I have self published The Meal of Fortune and now I’m following up with the sequel, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  So far it’s going well.
How did you come up with the title for your book?

How do you plan to celebrate publication day?
Gandalf or Harry Potter – then I could magic my books to the top of the bestsellers chart.  Happy reading!
My name’s Phil. I live in West London with my wife, two children and some pets.  My main rule in life is not to let ketchup touch any food that is green. You really shouldn’t have to ask why.
War and Peace.  I have never read it and I guess I’d have the time.
Order your copy here: Tinker Tailor Soldier Chef
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If you were on Desert Island Discs, what one book would you take with you?
I am re-reading all of John Connolly’s Charlie Parker books in order.  Have got to about 14 out of 20.
I am on Facebook Here

Today’s #AuthorInTheSpotlight is Philip Brady who is here to tell us about his latest book, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Chef which will be published as an ebook tomorrow. Thanks to Heather Fitt for the invitation to take part in the tour. Now, over to Philip.
Tell me about your journey to publication

A Time of Torment: A Charlie Parker Thriller: 14. The Number One bestseller by [John Connolly]

What inspired you to start writing?
Brideshead Revisited, funny, sad, poignant.

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I first decided that I wanted to write when I read Lord of the Rings as a child. Back then the dream was to create whole words inhabited by wizards, Elves and other such magical characters.  But the genre’s pretty well served so I write comedy thrillers where the worlds of espionage and show business collide instead. The inspiration for writing comedy thrillers probably came from reading great authors in this genre like Colin Bateman and Christopher Brookmyre.

The Meal Of Fortune: A Laugh Out Loud Comedy Thriller (The Meal of Fortune Trilogy Book 1) by [Philip Brady]

I’m quite new to social media and just trying to get the hang of it.
What one book would you recommend to a friend and why?
What are you reading just now?
Phil lives in west London with his wife two children and some animals, which also like to call the house home. He is somewhat obsessed and bemused with the public and media’s fixation with celebrities of every stripe. This forms the backdrop of his books, which also tend to feature spies, gangsters, hit men and TV chefs. His first novel, The Meal of Fortune, was published in 2017,with a second edition following in 2021. The follow up is Tinker Tailor Soldier Chef. Phil’s main rule in life is never to let tomato ketchup touch any food that is green. This may not have any deep meaning, nor may it be the soundest of principles to live by – but it’s better than many he’s come across down the years. Best not to go there though.
First of all, would you tell my blog readers a little about yourself?
It’s about spying and TV cookery.  I trawled the names of the best spy novels and films and came up with Tinker Tailor Soldier Chef, a spoof of course of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, by the late great John Le Carré. The alternative was Day of the Jacket Potato.
Is there a book you’d love to see made into a film?

Who Would Win In A Fight: Harry Potter Or Gandalf - The Paper Kind

In a line – Bond meets Bake-off. It’s a fast moving comedy thriller which sees the worlds of espionage and TV cookery collide. I’ve always been a bit bemused by the whole fascination with celebrities thing that goes on with the media and public.  I think it’s ripe for parody and send up.  The aim is to combine this with twisty pacey plots that involved the likes of spies, criminals, detectives and arms dealers. I think it works and readers have been kind enough to give me nice reviews.  You don’t have to have read The Meal of Fortune to enjoy Tinker Tailor Soldier Chef, as each book is designed to be standalone within a series. But it might help.
I don’t think I’ll ever be a prestigious poster.  But look out for offers on my books and recommendations on other books that readers will like.
How can people follow you or connect with you on social media?
And finally, if you could be a character in any book you have read, who would it be and why?

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