4. Was there anything that surprised you about the process of publishing a book?
When I began writing it wasn’t inspiration that drove me, it was more about what I was feeling in my predicament. There was a pivotal point where I changed from ranting mode to writing mode and that gave me the inspiration I needed to continue. I had a real story to tell, like so many people in what I referred to as the dumped 50+ age group and as it turned out, the reader would come to know me as tragically endearing, absolutely gullible beyond belief, with a deep-seated desire to become a successful sex goddess. My book wasn’t really about divorce. Divorce was just the beginning of a consequence of events that followed.
Taking you from “Hell No” to “Hell Yes,” this two-part true story taps into a range of emotions as you travel along with Angie on her voyage of self-discovery. A captivating exposé of courage and raw honesty in finding a new beginning when life takes a nosedive, this compelling portrayal of compassion gives insight into the weakest and strongest moments of what it is to be human.
My memoir, The Life and Times of Angie Bardot, is about embarking on a journey of self-discovery. When my 36-year marriage failed I found myself thrown into the singles arena without any knowledge of how to navigate my way through. The many pitfalls I experienced ranged from misery to mayhem with lots of laughter in between.
My openness in telling the story becomes thought provoking and can align with past or present behaviour whereby the reader can relate to my experiences. Some may be annoyed at me, cry for me, laugh with me but above all I hope that after the last word in my book has been absorbed, and digested, like a scrumptious dessert, they will smile for me and feel sated that I finally got to wherever I was going.
I am definitely not a planner. In the beginning I let my mood dictate and the words flowed like verbal diarrhoea. I settled into more of a routine once the initial deluge eased. I was amazed at how the hours would pass while writing without me noticing. You could say the words took me away.
About the Book
When curiosity to view a certain piece of the male anatomy takes priority, bedlam unfolds. Angie’s journey will leave you in fits of laughter while raising your eyebrows in absolute disdain.
Everything surprised me! So much so that I thought of writing a book titled “How Not To Publish Your Book”, as everything that could go wrong did! I always put it down to “this could only happen to me”.
1. Tell us a little about The Life and Times of Angie Bardot.
Angela kindly answered a few of my questions.
Angela Bardot’s book, The Life and Times of Angie Bardot, was published by on 14 February 2021.
7. I like to end my Q&As with the same question so here we go. During all the Q&As and interviews you’ve done what question have you not been asked that you wish had been asked – and what’s the answer?
The book would be Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy as there are almost a thousand pages and I am only halfway through after a year of reading it on and off. I think by the time I finally finish I will need to go back and re-read it to remember what the story was about.
3. Are you a plan, plan, plan writer or do you sit down and see where the words take you?
This book is one of a kind, and better still, so is Angie Bardot.
Does she ever learn?
6. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life which book would it be?
You will fall in love with Angie and won’t be able to stop turning the pages to see what she will do next. To err on the side of caution is not Angies strong suit. Heart wrenching, yet hilariously funny in the unique style of telling her tale, it’s never a surprise when she ends up on several occasions with her tail between her legs!
I have a lot more time on my hands now, although when I wrote my book I worked and didn’t have as much leisure time. I would get home from work and immediately start writing. It was a wonderful distraction for me, especially as my world had turned upside down and it was the outlet I needed. I also like to relax and read in my spare time. When I want to get away from it all I take a nice long walk around the neighbourhood.
The answer is yes I did walk the Camino and completed the journey by walking every step of the way in true Angie style.
Setting out on her adventures, Angie is best described as endearingly tragic as she gives a truly laugh-out-loud account of what could possibly go wrong when her long-term marriage comes to an end. Extolling the many pitfalls of being single is no laughing matter and being thrown into the dating arena is even worse.
5. What do you do when you aren’t writing? What do you do to relax and get away from it all?
No one has asked if I walked the Camino and if I did, did I complete the journey. I mention this as something I am going to do at the end of my book.
2. What inspired the book?