It’s a while since I’ve done any book tags but this one sounded fun. Thanks to A Couple of B’s for the tag.
A book that made you feel like you wanted to visit the location

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and give a link to the blog.
  • Answer the 5 feelings given to you.
  • Write the reason why that particular book comes under that feeling.
  • Nominate between 5-12 other bloggers.
  • Give your nominees 5 feelings too.
  • Notify your nominees once you’ve uploaded your post.

Here are my answers to the questions A Couple of B’s asked

I’m not sure that anyone ever feels like an adult do they? I suppose a sign of being a grown up is having cookbooks so I’m choosing my beloved and well used How to Be a Domestic Goddess by Nigella Lawson for this one.
A book that made you feel angry with one of the characters

A book that made you feel nostalgic
A book that made you feel satisfied with the ending

Anything by Enid Blyton. I loved her books as a child and read them to my own girls when they were younger. The Famous Five were probably my favourites of hers – I still have my old battered copies in my attic!
A book that freaked me out

Under the Skin by Michel Faber. This book really did get under my skin and creeped me out. I don’t know what I was expecting really, some kind of psychological thriller, which it was I suppose. However, it took many turns I was not expecting and I found it quite disturbing!
A book that made me ugly cry
A book that made you wish you had been born in another era

There's a Famous Five cookbook in the works - YOU Magazine

This tag was created by Jheel @fantasybookworm.
Again tricky to choose one but a recent book I read which was so romantic and had such a gorgeous ending was All You Need is Love by Jessica Redland so I’m choosing that one.

Here are my tags and questions

What only one? I’m going for Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb which made me cry on the bus. Happy tears admittedly but a little embarrassing on the bus!
A book that made my heart flutter
Let’s do it!
A book that makes me feel like a kid
A book that makes me feel like an adult
Would love to know your answers to the following feelings/questions ladies but only if you have the time!

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