Neither of them are looking for love, and mission protocol forbids it. But love doesn’t follow the rules, and the two friends have to decide whether they want to risk everything they’ve worked for to be together.

  • I adore The Archers (for international readers The Archers is a BBC Radio 4 soap set in rural England and is the world’s longest running soap). I’ve listened to it for over 10 years. It’s a masterpiece in drama and creating tension out of the mundane (stolen bunting anyone?). Some of the storylines take years to pay off.
  • The hardest part about publishing my first book has been the month before launch where we’ve had to format it, check it for typos (which seem to come out of nowhere), and read the book when I’ve already read it dozens and dozens of times. I’m over it already J
  • I try not to be a grammar pedant, but I am fond of an Oxford comma.
  • If I could be magically gifted with a talent it would be a gorgeous singing voice
  • I’ve been so lucky with my first book to work with N.G.K. who has built up years of experience as a writer and publisher. His support and tenacity have kept me motivated.
  • I cried a little while writing certain scenes in It’s Not Never.
  • A book that has stayed with me is one called I Could Do Anything If Only I Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher. It reassured me that it was ok to be a Jack of all trades and master of none, and it was ok to try things and not finish them if they weren’t what I wanted to do any more. For example, she says about not finishing a book, you haven’t quit, you just have got everything you need from it. It’s a fab book, one I found in a charity shop, but the sort of book that finds you just when you need it.
  • I rarely watch TV but I am a terrible social media addict. Instagram and Twitter are my drugs of choice.
  • I’m not naturally sporty but I have learned to love running, and in fact often solve key plot holes while on a run. Oh and I also do a lot of imaginary author interviews on my runs too. I’m always hilarious.
  • I have a cat called Alpus Dumblepaw.
N.G.K. is the best-selling author of seven books, including the popular Harry the Happy Mouse and Ridgeway Furrow series which have collectively sold over a million copies around the world. It’s Not Never is his first book for adults.
About the author
N.G.K. lives in the Forest of Dean with his wife, two children, and Lulu the cat. When not writing and running his own publishing company, N.G.K. Media.
It’s Not Never by Louise Gregory and N.G.K. is available on Kindle now and in paperback on 28th May.
Fellow astronaut, John Eden, is determined to prove he is more than his family name. Yet his insecurities might cost him his place on the mission.
Louise lives by the “three r’s” – reading, writing, and running, all of which she would do more of were it not for her addiction to social media. She lives in the Cotswolds with her husband, two daughters, and a cat who is plotting to kill her.
Joining me today is Louise Gregory who, with the intriguingly named NGK, is the author of It’s Not Never. The book is out today in ebook format. The paperback will follow in May – more about the book below. She is sharing #TenThings she’d like her readers to know about her
From the back of the book
Louise Gregory is the debut co-author of It’s Not Never, and uses her extensive background in psychology, coaching and team dynamics to create multi-layered characters with deep rooted feelings and motivators.
Ambitious and hardworking, astronaut Jessica Gabriel refuses to let love get in the way of becoming the first person to walk on another planet. Or maybe she is just afraid of losing her best friend?

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