- I once made a cup of tea for Paul Daniels. When I worked for Cancer Research Campaign and they amalgamated with The Imperial Cancer Research Fund to form Cancer Research UK he opened our rebranded shop. He was performing at a local theatre and so we just asked and he came. Sadly, Debbie was ill that day but he rang her and she spoke to us all. He drank tea, ate biscuits and chatted to me and the volunteers for hours. He even did tricks for the customers. He was such a gentleman.
- Though it might be hard to believe as I speak with a very definite Yorkshire accent, when I was at school I had elocution lessons and gained a distinction in my speech exam. It has been joked that whoever paid for them should have asked for their money back. I can talk “posh” if I want but I choose not to because that’s not who I am.
- For my sins, I have been a Sheffield United fan for over 50 years. My dad and brother were a season ticket holders and from being four or five, when the first team was playing away I would use my brother’s ticket and dad and I would go to the match. When my husband and I were “courting” we spent many a wet, windy evening watching the Blades play in the old Fourth Division. I still follow every game in whichever way I can. It’s in my blood.
- My favourite book in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. I first read it in 1981 for A level English and have read it about six or seven times since.
- I have nearly died seven times, the first time when I was six-years-old and the last time when I was fifty-two. I don’t remember what happened when I was six but the last was time the only occasion that I actually thought I was going to die. They put the radio on in the ambulance allegedly to keep me calm and “If Tomorrow Never Comes,” was playing. I was worried that it might be an omen. I was very happy to wake up after my emergency surgery.
- My favourite holiday destination is Rome and if I ever found out I only had a month to live I would want to go back one more time.
- I love ironing – please don’t judge me.
- I have known my oldest (as in known the longest time) friend for almost 50 years and we’ve only met once. We were matched up through a pen-friend agency when we were about 13 years old and now decades later we still regularly “speak.” It started off as letters then we sent tapes to each other for a while and now it’s emails. She’s a native Californian and she visited England along with her daughter and mother about 20 years ago and that’s the only time that we’ve actually met. She knows more about me than anyone else including my husband.
- I took my driving test seven times before I passed it. I failed, amongst other things, for going too slow, too fast and for hitting the curb while reversing round a corner. In my defence regarding that last one I was six months pregnant at the time and had a huge bump and to be honest who reverses round a corner anyway. When I finally did pass I could have kissed the examiner.
- I have two sons and when they were born twenty months apart they were delivered in the same room with the midwife attending and both weighed 4040g which is 8lb 15.5 ounces in old money.

Being the dullest person in the world I found this a bit of a challenge but here goes.
When Robert’s girlfriend Michelle tells him that she is pregnant he is gone without a backward glance, leaving Tom to clear up the mess that he has left behind.Robert and Tom are brothers. Similar in looks but totally different in character, Robert is confident and brash while Tom is shy and reserved.More about the Author
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About the book – Not My Brother’s Keeper
Born and raised in Sheffield, Colette has lived in Co Durham for almost forty years. Surrounded by beautiful countryside, she is often found ankle deep in mud walking the dog through woods and fields. While writing is the job that she does for the love of it, to pay the bills Colette is a retail manager for one of the country’s leading charities. When not working, writing or walking the dog, Colette will probably be reading, gardening or baking bread.
Author website including newsletter signup
Sharing #TenThings she’d like her readers to know about her today is author Colette McCormick. It’s a very eclectic and entertaining mix – you can feel free to come and do my ironing anytime Colette! You’ll find information about her book, Not My Brother’s Keeper, later in the post. Over to you Colette.