If you haven’t come across Instead of a Card before, let me tell you about it. It’s a great idea where you can buy a beautifully produced pamphlet on a huge range of subjects to give to someone, yes you’ve guessed it, instead of a card. Each keepsake pamphlet also comes with an envelope and a matching bookmark which you can personalise for whoever you are giving it to.
The lovely people at Candlestick Press have sent me a copy of one of their latest Instead of a Card pamphlets which this time features poetry with a historical theme. In fact, they have sent me two copies so if you fancy getting your hands on one, head over to Twitter, make sure you are following me (@portybelle) and Candlestick Press (@poetrycandle) then retweet my pinned tweet. You can enter until midnight UK time on Friday 28th February. I’ll use a randomiser to choose a winner and contact them on Saturday.
Click here to visit the Candlestick Press website
You can buy the pamphlets at many bookshops or on the Candlestick Press website where you will be able to see the whole range available. You’ll find a poetry, or sometimes short stories, on subjects as diverse as tea, walking, chickens, rivers, bicycles, sheds and many more. There really is something for everyone.

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