I enjoyed the slowly developing relationship between Kat and Noah which Sue Moorcroft wrote in a way that made it seem very natural. It was lovely to see the depth of attraction they had for each other both emotionally and physically, although they certainly had some challenges to test their commitment.
I’m a big fan of Sue Moorcroft’s lovely writing and I’m a bit of a Francophile so I was really excited to see that her latest book is set in France, albeit a bit of France I’m not too familiar with. Thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invitation to take part in the book tour and for providing an e-copy for review. Summer at the French Café is published by Avon books and available now.
As soon as Kat Jenson set foot in the idyllic French village of Kirchhoffen, she knew she’d found her home. Now she has a dreamy boyfriend, a delightful dog and the perfect job managing a bustling book café in the vibrant Parc Lemmel.
About the book
Twitter: @suemoorcroft
Summer at The French Cafe has all the elements of a well-told story which I have come to expect from Sue Moorcroft. There’s a strong focus on family and friendship, a great sense of place and a nicely done romance where the hoped for happy ending is far from certain. It’s an engaging and entertaining read which the author skilfully brings to an uplifting and satisfying conclusion.
While reading this book I felt that I had been transported to France for little holiday. I could imagine myself sitting in Livres et Café with some pain au chocolat, some coffee and a book of course. One of the restaurants that Kat and Noah go to sounded amazing with a river literally under it and visible through a glass floor. If it really does exist, I would so love to visit. I’ve never spent much time in the Alsace region of France and Sue Moorcroft made it sound such a pretty place to see.
Facebook: SueMoorcroftAuthor and sue.moorcroft.3
Sparkling sun, strolls in the gorgeous French countryside, that first sip of cool, crisp wine – Summer is Kat’s favourite season. And this year should be no exception…
Sue Moorcroft is an award-winning Sunday Times and internationally published author of emotionally compelling, feel-good, page-turning fiction who has reached #1 on Amazon Kindle UK and Top 100 Amazon Kindle US.
You might think from that lovely bright and airy front cover that you are going to be reading a sweet romance and of course, there is a love story at the heart of the book. However, the author incorporates some darker issues within the story. There is a slimy cheat of a boyfriend which leads to some rather vindictive revenge and causes Kat a lot of worry regarding the cyber security of the shop. A good friend has a serious illness and this is not glossed over with Kat showing love and concern for her friend. A controlling relationship also features and all these issues add depth to the story.
But when she learns her boyfriend isn’t all he seems, it’s the start of a difficult summer for Kat. Vindictive troublemakers, work woes and family heartache follow, and the clear blue sky that was her life suddenly seems full of clouds.

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About the Author
Website: suemoorcroft.com
There were some tricky family situations for both Kat and Noah and there was a strong focus on family throughout the book. Both had experiences of broken relationships and could see the challenges presented by the resulting blended families and the compromises that sometimes had to be made.
My Thoughts
Instagram: @SueMoorcroftAuthor
Then she gets to know the mysterious Noah, and her sun begins to shine brighter than ever. But Noah has problems of his own – ones that could scupper their new-found happiness. Together, can they overcome their many obstacles, and find love again?
Her novels, short stories, serials, courses and columns have appeared around the world. An army child, Sue was born in Germany and then lived in Cyprus, Malta and the UK.