My journey was surprisingly easy which might come as a surprise to most readers. Simply put, I researched publishers who were willing to accept new authors, began with the letter A and sent off the first chapter and synopsis of my debut novel.
If you were on Desert Island Discs, what one book would you take with you?
A good answer to end with! Union Blues is published by Austin Macauley and is available now in paperback and ebook. You can order a copy online here: Union Blues
I am married with two adult children, three step children and four grandchildren. We are very much a blended family and enjoy many social activities together. My hobbies include gardening (I have a huge allotment plot) sewing my own clothes and soft furnishings, traveling, theatre and cinema. Top hobby of course is reading and writing poetry and fiction.
Tweets by K_L_Loveley
A very difficult question to answer as there are so many brilliant books and I could not possibly choose one. However, during my voluntary work helping school children with literacy one pupil always chooses a dictionary to read and do you know, I find it fascinating, so that is my recommendation.
Publication day I was away from home. However, very shortly afterwards I held my book launch at a very nice venue which I enjoyed immensely. I guess that being my third fiction and fifth published work it was a quiet affair compared to my debut novel,
Thank you, Joanne, for inviting me to your blog, When I wrote my debut novel ‘Alice’ I was very interested in my family tree and while researching this, I came across the family name of Loveley which I thought was rather special. With this in mind I decided that it would be a nod to my female ancestors if I wrote under their name and perhaps bring me a little luck. K L Loveley was born from the amalgamation of Katie Loveley my maternal great grandmother and Lily May Oliver my paternal grandmother.
In a nutshell, what is your book about?
I am a retired NHS nurse having worked from aged eighteen until retirement at age sixty-four. Working in many different areas of medicine provided me with a wealth of experience in the human condition from a physical and psychological perspective. Much of this I bring to my writing.
And finally, if you could be a character in any book you have read, who would it be and why?
What inspired you to start writing?
Imagine my surprise when they requested the full manuscript and offered me a contract. I totally understood the risk they were taking and the contribution from me to get the book to publication. I had researched how much it would cost me for a proof reader, an editor and marketing and promotion. Not to mention the ISBN numbers required and the skills to do this. To me it seemed perfectly feasible. I signed the contract and have been happy with Austin Macauley publishers to the extent that my third novel Union Blues has also been published by them.

What one book would you recommend to a friend and why?
Is there a book you’d love to see made into a film?
Do you have a work in progress just now?
How did you come up with the title for your book?
How can people follow you or connect with you on social media?
How did you celebrate publication day?
Marseille: A French murder mystery by Angela Wren. This is the third one in the series that I have read.

I find that marketing and promotion of my work is keeping me busy at the moment, along with tending my allotment I am currently unable to commit seriously to another book. However, watch this space.

Another excellent question that I have thought deeply about. Having read a vast amount of fiction, I can honestly say that despite many amazing characters that have been given life to in fiction, there is no one I would rather be than myself. I am happy with who I am, my life has been interesting although like everyone else there have been emotional times and disappointments happiness and sadness.
Union refers to the union between the young Willow and her future husband Gabriel. Blues refers to her state of mind. Union also refers to the Grand Union canal which is a significant location in the story.
What are you reading just now?
Union Blues is my third work of fiction in my social voice series that explores real life stories from a fresh perspective. Once again, this story explores my sympathy for life’s casualties. In this fascinating story the reader meets Willow, a young woman with a troubled mind as a result of being a surviving identical twin. When Willow becomes a mother herself, the inner voice of her twin begins to drown out her own rational thoughts. Following the discovery of her husband’s secret misdemeanour she finds life increasingly difficult to cope with.

Yes, my debut novel Alice.
During the early rise to self-publishing, my daughter set up her own small press and published my second work of fiction – ‘Love, Secrets and Absolution’ and my illustrated collection of poetry ‘Chameleon Days’.
As I approached retirement, I observed that the world of publishing was changing so decided perhaps now was the time to begin my first novel.
As I left childhood behind my love of reading and writing did not wane. If anything, it went from strength to strength. However, life dictates the necessity to work and earn a wage and the chance of me earning a living from writing was very remote. In fact, I put authors on a pedestal and was in awe of them.
By the time Union Blues was ready to publish she was working and living in Asia so I returned to Austin Macauley based on my previous positive experience.
Joining me today is author K L Loveley who is chatting about her latest novel, Union Blues.
Welcome to the blog. First of all, would you tell my blog readers a little about yourself?
Tell me about your journey to publication
Quite simply I didn’t need much inspiration. I think it is in my DNA. From the moment I learned to write I felt compelled to transfer my thoughts, feelings and imagination onto paper. Having received a gift of a diary aged seven I just kept on writing.
A dictionary.