Belle is such a wonderful character. She made me laugh out loud so often and I really felt for her having to put up with her parents who did not seem to value this wonderful woman at all. I loved her obsession with Shakespeare and all the little references the author includes in the story. The way she grew in self confidence throughout the story was a joy to read about. Rory is the man from the hospital and while I don’t want to say what had happened to him of course, I will say that it was wonderful the way that spending time with Belle helped bring meaning and happiness back into his life. His mum was just a brilliant character too and someone who is determined to live life to the full. I’m not sure that her shopping centre experience was the best way to do that though Rory’s horror did make me laugh!
It’s a book that grabbed my attention from the prologue when Belle is taking her friend who is in labour to the hospital. At the hospital she sees a young man who has obviously received devastating news. She recognises him as someone she knew from a while back and five years later, circumstances bring them together again.
About the Author
Belle Wilde loves December. Yes, she’s just lost her job and Christmas is not a good time to find yourself ‘financially challenged’. And yes, her parents are still going on about the fact that she really should have it all together by now. But Belle believes that in December, magic can happen.
Two people. One month to fall in love.
My Thoughts
Kitty Wilson lives in Bristol and loves the city. She happily spends most of the time welded to her keyboard dreaming up deeply romantic stories that make her giggle as she types. She has a penchant for very loud music, owns more books than one human could possibly read and has an unhealthy obsession with paint charts.
About the book
It would have been great to start reading this at the beginning of December as each chapter takes place over a different day in December, so it would have been fun to read it almost like a serial, one chapter a day. However, I whizzed through it so perhaps I wouldn’t have been disciplined enough to read just one chapter a day. Looks like the publisher is well named!
Rory and Belle are two characters you will take to heart, two people who really complement each other and two people who deserve happiness. There’s a real warmth to Kitty Wilson’s writing which makes this a perfect book to curl up with over the last few days of December.
But as midnight on December 31st draws closer, Belle and Rory’s time together is coming to an end. With a little help from a Christmas miracle could Belle find the one thing she really wants underneath the mistletoe?
Rory Walters hates December. Whilst it looks like his life is together, he’s still reeling from a winter’s night five years ago when his life changed forever. Now back at home, he’s certain that this will be yet another Christmas to endure rather than enjoy.
I was lucky enough to win a copy of this so thank you to the publishers, One More Chapter, for that. I’d seen lots of lovely reviews and was excited to read this book. It’s available now in paperback, ebook and audiobook and there are buying options on the One More Chapter website here: Every Day in December

‘The perfect Christmas story, full of heart and hope’ Sandy Barker