Alexandra Avellino has just found her father’s mutilated body, and needs the police right away. She believes her sister killed him, and that she is still in the house with a knife.
I’m already looking forward to the next book this talented imaginative author writes.

Thank you to Netgalley, Orion Publishers and Author Steve Cavanagh for my copy of Fifty Fifty. Here are my thoughts on the newest book out by this fabulous Author.
Eddie Flynn is a defence lawyer that has led a colourful life before he became a lawyer but has some morals and rules for his clients. He wants to defend the innocent! But how do you know who is innocent.
I love legal courtroom thrillers. And as I loved all the Steve Cavanagh books I’ve read before, I had no doubts that I would love this one. It even got bumped up ahead of the books I had planned out to read for my #10BooksofSummer. It was well worth it though.
I love most books that have a heavy base in the court room. I like to see how lawyers play their game and how their use of words, phrases and specific questioning can influence the jury to go their way.
You’d be wrong.
But one of these women is lying. One of them is a murderer. Sitting in a jail cell, about to go on trial with her sister for murder, you might think that this is the last place she expected to be.
Two sisters on trial for murder. Both accuse each other.
Who do YOU believe?
My Thoughts:
We also get introduced to a new character Kate who is defending Alexandra. I have a feeling we will see lots more of Kate in the following Eddie Flynn books.
Two sisters, Sophia and Alexandra are both in the house where their father was murdered. Both sisters call 911 within minutes of each other. Both sisters blame the other for killing their father. But which one did the crime?
The first book I read by Steve Cavanagh was Thirteen. After this book, I knew I had found a new favourite Author. I was very excited when I heard that a new book was coming out. The title Fifty Fifty sounds so good even before reading the blurb. Then you read the blurb and it gets better. Then I got accepted by NetGalley for an advanced copy. Does the bookish world get any better ? 😊
As I read and condensed the evidence each lawyer played out in court, from their questions to the expert witnesses, I wondered which way I would have gone if I were sat on the jury.
Sofia Avellino has just found her father’s mutilated body and needs the police right away. She believes her sister, Alexandra did it, and that she is still in the house, locked in the bathroom.
There was no fifty fifty chance of me loving this book, it was 100 % book love and consequently book hangover!
Steve Cavanagh is definetly one of my favourite authors and I will recommend his books to all who like crime thrillers, legal thrillers and courtroom thrillers. Eddie Flynn is a character that has many layers and the more I read about him, the more I like him.
Both women are to go on trial at the same time. A joint trial in front of one jury.
This book kept me guessing right the way through. Was it Sophia or was it Alexandra. Did Eddie choose the innocent sister or was he duped??? A book that keeps you guessing and changing your mind the more clues you hear is a clever book in my mind.