Tell me about your blog – sell yourself!
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
And finally, if you could be a character in any book you have read, who would it be and why?
I was of the generation where Enid Blyton was by far and away the most popular author and I loved her books, especially The Famous Five and the Adventure series, although I started of with the Faraway Tree books. I also loved Susan Coolidge, Noel Streatfield and Louisa May Alcott. I actually have a feature about my favourite childhood books running on the blog this year.

What books/authors did you enjoy as a child?
I was a big fan of The famous Five too – I still have my collection upstairs in my attic!
Is there a book you’d like to see made into a film?
Oh, without a doubt I would be Flora Poste in Cold Comfort Farm. I would love to get in there and sort out the messes, she is my literary alter ego. Or Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, the original feminist. She has all the best lines in that play, and such wicked tongue. Although I think if the Prince, Don Pedro, in the form of Denzel Washington, asked ‘Will you have me, lady?’ I would have been severely tempted to say yes!
What are you reading just now?
I’m so happy to be sharing this post today as it’s been a long time since I had anyone take part in my Blogger Spotlight. If you are a book blogger and would like to take part, do get in touch. I’m delighted to be joined by Julie who blogs as A Little Book Problem. Do pop over and have a read of her fabulous reviews if you don’t already follow her.
I am reading a pair of legal thrillers by Christopher Leibig called Almost Mortal and Almost Damned. Legal thrillers are one of my favourite genres, but these have a twist as the protagonist is also psychic.

Chatting with other book-obsessed people in the form of my fellow bloggers, I feel like I have found my soulmates in the book blogging community. I also love discovering books and authors I never would have come across in other circumstances, and being able to interact with and support authors I have loved for many years, and ones I have only come to know through blogging.
Thanks for agreeing to take part in my Blogger in the Spotlight feature Julie. First of all, would you tell me a little about yourself?
![Almost Damned by [Christopher Leibig]](https://asunbookstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/bloggerinthespotlight-julie-from-a-little-book-problem-book_problem-4.jpg)
So, my blog is called A Little Book Problem, in reference to my severe book addiction, and it is four years old now. It has grown and changed so much since I started it, but I’m really happy with where it is now. I think it has a fun and interesting mix of reviews and other features, and it is quite upbeat and light-hearted. People seem to like it, as my audience has grown year on year. Last year I was named the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s Media Star of the Year.
What one book would you recommend to a friend and why?
Hello! I’m Julie, 48 years old, mum of two, former lawyer, aspiring writer and blogger. Not sure what else there is to know about me really! Apart from I am a proud Yorkshire woman and notable short-arse.
Hmmm, not a huge fan of books I love being made into movies, and I tend to avoid them. I’m very protective of my version of my favourite characters and books, and don’t want someone else’s interpretation usurping them in my head! Having said that, most of the movie versions of John Grisham’s books (which I love) have been great – the movie version of The Firm had a better ending than the book – so I’d enjoy some of his more recent books being adapted I think.
How can people follow your blog or connect with you on social media?
That’s a hard question, but I’ve asked my guests it so many times that I guess it is only fair that I put myself in the hot seat! I am going to go with Dear Mrs. Bird by A. J. Pearce, which is the story of a young girl who replies to agony aunt letters in secret during World War Two. I don’t normally read books set in war time, but this book is just perfect. It is a gentle blend of gentle humour and pathos, with characters that are so alive I could see them quite clearly. I actually listened to it on audio, and would highly recommend it in this format, as the narrator really brings the book to life. I loved it, it was my book of the year in 2019, and I can’t wait for the sequel coming out this summer.