When Louise surprises her boyfriend by returning early from a work trip, safe to say she wasn’t expecting to see him in flagrante with another woman. Heart-torn and vowing to stay away from men, when Louise’s next project involves restoring an ageing hotel in Italy, she leaps at the chance to get away.

She needed a getaway. What she found was a home.Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | AmazonI’m a man. And a pretty old man as well. I did languages at university a long time ago and then lived and worked in France and Switzerland before going to Italy for seven years as a teacher of English. My Italian wife and I then came back to the UK with our little daughter (now long-since grown up) where I ran a big English language school for many years. We now live in a sleepy little village in Devonshire. I’ve been writing almost all my life but it was only seven years ago that I finally managed to find a publisher who liked my work enough to offer me my first contract.The fact that I am now writing escapist romance is something I still find hard to explain. My early books were thrillers and historical novels. Maybe it’s because there are so many horrible things happening in the world today that I feel I need to do my best to provide something to cheer my readers up. My books provide escapism to some gorgeous locations, even if travel to them is currently difficult.Follow the author: This is a lovely read and I very much enjoyed my escape to Italy and the hotel world for a few hours. I shall definitely be catching up with my other T.A. Williams’ books.
I very much enjoyed my first outing with this author’s writing. The characters are engaging, (for the most part!) believable and with a narrative that touches not only on relationships but on topical matters such as conservation and climate change. This is Italy, so there will be delicious sounding food; all this and a deftly written romance strand that was neither too heavy nor wholly predictable – the teasing storyline kept me wondering. I really did like Louise although she frustrated me at times too, more so when I thought she was about to sabotage her own happiness. The setting is superb, I adore Italy anyway and I could easily visualise the Italian landscape that included vineyards, historic old towns and views to die for. The author’s knowledge of the location and language comes through clearly and the vivid descriptions makes the hotel and its setting a character in itself.

Louise is excellent at her job and soon throws herself into the task. But you know what they say about best laid plans and all that…for various reasons, Louise finds herself having to make serious decisions about her future life and career – but which way will she turn. In addition to the male human love interest(s), there is also a canine one – a gorgeous playful and loveable labrador called Leo.
Purchase Link – mybook.to/AnEscape
With his tragic past and her no-romance policy, Louise knows they can’t have a future. Yet something keeps pulling the two together…
Managed by a crew of sextagenarians, the Grand Hotel del Monferrato needs all the love and care Louise can give it. But it’s hard to stay focused on the job when her thoughts keep straying to Vito, the reclusive and mysterious neighbour.

An Escape to Remember (Love from Italy #2)
Publisher: Canelo Escape
Format: Ebook and Paperback (24 March 2022)
Pages: 279
Source: Copy for review via Netgalley

A beautiful romance set in the hills of Turin, perfect for readers of Lucy Coleman and Alex Brown.
My thanks to Rachel of Rachel’s Random Resources for the place on the tour. I’ve long seen many good reviews of this author’s books and have bought some of them but this is the first I’ve actually settled down to read…and I can only ask why did it take me so long! I’m delighted to share my review on publication day.
Louise has the most wonderful sounding job, on paper anyway. A troubleshooter for a luxury hotel brand, she gets to travel all over the world. Unfortunately it doesn’t bode so well for her love life. When she discovers that her long term boyfriend has betrayed her, in the most brutal and hurtful way, she resolves to put her career first and stay away from men for a while. This is when her next assignment takes her to Northern Italy and to the run down and struggling Grand Hotel del Monferrato near Turin, purely kept alive by its loyal staff.

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