About the Book
I really enjoyed being back in the fictional village of Glentorrin once more which is a warm, friendly and supportive community. It was good to spot some familiar faces from previous books but this is easily read as a standalone novel as the focus is on Caitlin and her quest for romance. The gorgeous descriptions of the island landscape made me want to visit Skye again. We did manage a day trip last year and this book has really whet my appetite to go for a longer visit. As you can see from the photo below, it was a stunning day when we visited. This is the path to the Fairy Pools, with the Cuillins behind, which Caitlin visits in the book.
As Caitlin dips her toe back into the world of dating (as well as the Fairy Pools!) there are a variety of potential suitors for her. There are plenty of missed opportunities, misunderstandings and bad timings which make you wonder if Caitlin will ever get together with her perfect man. As a reader you know exactly who that should be and when she does, you can’t help but be delighted for her.Purchase Link  – Wishing Under a Starlit SkyeI thoroughly enjoyed Dreaming Under an Island Skye by Lisa Hobman. In fact it was one of my Top Reads for 2021. So I was really pleased to find that the author had written another book set in the same place on Skye, the fictional village of Glentorrin. Wishing Under a Starlit Skye is published by Boldwood Books and you’ll find a buying link later in this post. Thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invitation to take part in the tour and for providing an ecopy of the book.Facebook http://facebook.com/LisaJHobmanAuthorResisting the pull of dating apps, Caitlin embarks upon a series of disastrous singles events where she bumps into fellow villager, and astronomy buff, Archie Sutherland, who is nursing his own past secrets.
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When Grace’s best friend’s father, handsome Lyle Budge, asks Caitlin to dinner, things progress quickly and she has a taste of what their future as a family could be, much to both their daughters delight! But when Archie makes a shocking discovery, and he turns to Caitlin for help, she soon discovers Lyle isn’t the sharing type, meaning prickly ultimatums loom for everyone.

Glentorrin bakery owner, and lone parent, Caitlin Fraser, is single and finally ready to mingle.
Will wishing upon the stars over Glentorrin help Caitlin to figure out her way forward? Or is her hunt for romance like a once in a lifetime comet, easily missed in the blink of an eye?
My Thoughts
Lisa Hobman has written many brilliantly reviewed women’s fiction titles – the first of which was shortlisted by the RNA for their debut novel award. In 2012 Lisa relocated her family from Yorkshire to a village in Scotland and this beautiful backdrop now inspires her uplifting and romantic stories. Her first title for Boldwood Dreaming Under an Island Skye was published in February 2021.
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With her daughter, Grace, about to become a teenager, and her friends all settling down, Caitlin decides she deserves a shot at happiness too.
This was a very entertaining and warm-hearted romance. It was quite funny in parts, particularly when it came to what some of the children said, but was also rather emotional sometimes. The cleverly written epilogue made me smile! I really enjoyed Wishing Under a Starlit Skye and hope that the author has more visits to Glentorrin planned.
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I particularly liked the focus on family in this book. Caitlin’s situation with her daughter was quite unusual and sensitively explored. I thought it was great that she was determined to make the best decisions for herself and Grace. The strong bonds between mother and daughter were clear and lovely to read about. The whole issue of what makes a family and what is important in a family unit is a feature of the book and it’s clear that love and stability are essential. The bonds between mother and daughter were clear and lovely to read about.

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