In a nutshell, what is your Christmas book about?

Sue in Sweden in December

I do like social media! Here are my links:
Honestly, I haven’t made a single plan. I feel as if to do so will jinx things.

And finally, what’s the best Christmas present you ever received?
Covent Garden in the Snow by Jules Wake. I was entranced by the peep behind the scenes of an opera house. That book has stayed with me.
How do you plan to celebrate Christmas this year?
Not really. We rarely lived within reach of extended family as we lived abroad so much so I instituted a new tradition of a gathering of the Moorcroft Clan between Christmas and New Year. That didn’t happen last year, of course.
Or you can just visit my Link Tree.
Welcome to a brand new feature on my blog. From now until Christmas, I’ll be sharing two posts a week featuring authors who have Christmas or wintry, seasonal books out this year. They’ll be telling us a bit about their books and answering some fun Christmas questions. I’m delighted that the first author joining me is one of my favourites, Sue Moorcroft. Sue’s latest book is out now and I’ll be reviewing it next week.

The Santa Clause | Disney Movies

I didn’t! My publisher chose it, perhaps because my hero, Grady lives in Mistletoe Cottage.
I write two books a year for Avon HarperCollins. This year there were actually three, as I revised my very first book and that came out, too. I’m also published in many other countries. I was an army kid, born in Germany and brought up for several years in Cyprus and Malta, but I’ve lived in Northamptonshire, England since I was ten. I read a lot (or listen to audiobooks) and I adore Formula 1. I also like dancing, yoga and hanging out with family and friends.

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A bright pink space hopper! I think my parents must have been thrilled when I asked for it because it was our last Christmas in Malta. Everything we owned had to be transported back to the UK in our suitcases or six big boxes. As space hoppers deflate, they’re easier to pack than, say, a bike. I played with that space hopper for years. Everyone else I knew had an orange space hopper with a face but mine was a plain, glorious, bubble-gum pink.
How can people follow you or connect with you on social media?

Covent Garden in the Snow: The most gorgeous and heartwarming Christmas romance of the year! by [Jules Wake]

Do you have a favourite Christmas book?
Fairytale of New York by the Pogues. It’s not a traditional look at Christmas and I’m not sure I understand it all but I love the melody.
How did you come up with the title for your book?
The Santa Clause. It’s about the role of Santa passing from person to person rather than it being just one man. I thought it was cleverly done.
Thanks to Sue for joining me today. Under the Mistletoe is published by Avon Books and available now. You’ll find buying links for various retailers on the Avon website here:
Under the Mistletoe
Do you still keep any Christmas traditions from your childhood?
And a favourite Christmas song?
Under the Mistletoe features Laurel, who left the Cambridgeshire village of Middledip when she was sixteen. Now, recently divorced, she’s being reluctantly pulled back to help her sister Rea and niece Daisy. She feels she owes a debt to Rea but…the reason she left the village still lives there. And so does his brother. It’s a story of old sparks versus family loyalties.
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First of all, would you tell my blog readers a little about yourself?
What’s your favourite Christmas film?

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