
What’s your favourite Christmas film?
Pairing up at Pear Tree Farm in time for Christmas …
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But despite Crispin’s initial reluctance, his involvement in the festival serves to throw him together with Ashley Spencer, an American woman and fellow lost soul, who works at the nearby Tregereth House. Could Lowena’s ambitious scheme result in a more hopeful Christmas and New Year for them both – with a few surprises along the way?
Thank you so much Angela. You’ve chosen one of my favourite Christmas films there! I also had a Sindy doll and was quite jealous of mine as she had a horse and riding gear – something I’d have dearly loved but which was never going to happen in urban Edinburgh!
And finally, what’s the best Christmas present you ever received?
I grew up in a small Cornish village and left at eighteen to join the WRNS. On assignment in Denmark I met my American husband who was in the US Navy. The rest as they say is history! I started to write after taking a short creative writing class to escape my three rambunctious sons for a few evenings and now have 36 books published – a fact that absolutely amazes me! We’ve lived just outside Nashville, Tennessee since 1996 and apart from my writing I enjoy spending time with my husband who is now fully retired, reading, water aerobics, drinking tea with friends and best of all being Granny to four of the most gorgeous grandchildren on the planet.
How do you plan to celebrate Christmas this year?

Do you still keep any Christmas traditions from your childhood?
I love traditional Christmas carols and ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ has such beautiful words and haunting music.
I always make mince pies and do my best to track down a box of Turkish Delight because we always had those things at Christmas. Under my Christmas tree you’ll find a Chinese doll and a small baby doll exactly as they were when I was a child – both were given to me as gifts but I was never allowed to play with them!
How can people follow you or connect with you on social media?

Pear Tree Farm in Cornwall, owned by the kind-hearted Nessa Vivian, is known for taking in lost souls, and ex-soldier Crispin Davies is certainly one of those. But the once sleepy caravan park is now a thriving business, and far from the peace and quiet Crispin was craving, he soon finds himself roped into helping out with a short-notice Christmas festival, organised by Nessa’s force-of-nature sister, Lowena.
It has to be ‘Twas the Night before Christmas’ because of the memories it evokes of reading to three excited little boys all those years ago and now I enjoy reading it to their children.
We’re almost at the end of my #AuthorInTheFestiveSpotlight feature and today I’m delighted to welcome Angela Britnell. Her festive release is A Cornish Christmas at Pear Tree Farm which is published by ChocLit. If you fancy the sound of it, you’ll find buying options on the ChocLit website here: A Cornish Christmas on Pear Tree Farm
Welcome Angela. First of all, would you tell my blog readers a little about yourself?

How did you come up with the title for your book?
When I was about eight my aunt hand made a shoe box full of clothes for my Sindy doll and I loved them because of their uniqueness and only wish they hadn’t been lost to time.
We won’t be able to all get together in person because two of our sons live in Oregon and Colorado and have young children so travel would be too difficult at the moment but our youngest son, his wife and 2 children live nearby so they’ll join us at our home to celebrate and we will video chat with everyone else.
I’m almost afraid to say that I’m not hugely into Christmas films but I do always enjoy watching ‘Love Actually’ mainly for the gorgeous Alan Rickman who I could listen to all day!
In a nutshell, what is your Christmas book about?
Do you have a favourite Christmas book?
For once it was easy because it is a festive sequel to A Cornish Summer at Pear Tree Farm which was released in August 2021.

And a favourite Christmas song?