Crossing the Line by Hugh MacNab. Sammy Greyfox Thriller. Book review.

Thanks to author Hugh Macnab for my copy of this book. After reading the first in the Sammy Greyfox thriller series, I was keen to read the next installment. You can read my review of the first book Here which was featured on my blog last week. 

You could read this as a standalone but as always with series it’s better to read them in order.

The book is written from Sammy’s perspective so as she finds the clues so do we. This is a writing style that I like so the readers can play detectives aswell.


A narcotics detective murdered

In her first case after nine months recovering from her involvement in a fatal shooting, Sammy Greyfox is tasked with finding the killer of a Narcotics detective. A straight forward task….or is it?

A dominatrix

An addict who has abandoned her children…a blackmailer who delivers pain for pleasure. But is she a victim or a killer?

A safe with secrets

The discovery of a secret list which was never meant to be found, will compound Sammy Greyfox’s case and result in a race against time to prevent more deaths.

A twist of fate

Two young women enter Sammy’s life. One will enrich it, the other will save it – but at what cost?

My Thoughts The area where Sammy lives must be some area! As there are so many crimes that take place there. The plots for Crossing the Line are plenty and there are many different threads to keep the readers mind occupied.
I recommend this book to readers who enjoy thrillers with big plots that keep you thinking about who did what and how things will add up. A great new series with a detective that is quite different to what I’m used to. I’m looking forward to book 3 on this Sammy Greyfox series.
Published July 1st 2021
I’m pleased to say I was able to read the first book before this one and had a good background of Sammy and her previous cases. In the first book I wasn’t drawn to Sammy as a person. I was interested to see how this would develop in the second book.
The end of this book had me sitting for a while after I finished it contemplating her decisions and what I would have done in the same position. I like a book that does that!
As I mentioned previously I wasn’t drawn to Sammy in the previous book. That feeling continued in the beginning of this one. She seems very judgmental, but I also think that she is aware of this and when she makes her judgements, Sammy does acknowledge that she was perhaps stereotypical in her thoughts. ( not a trait I’m keen on). However as the pages turned Sammy showed a more compassionate side to her which I hadn’t seen before and this redeems her a little in my mind. I wonder if by book 3 we will be besties! 😉
This is the second book in the thriller series of Sammy Greyfox. It’s not necessary to read the first book before this one, but as always with series it’s better to read them in order.
Sammy is a very good detective and takes her job very seriously sometimes at the cost of other things. Perhaps this was a reason I didn’t take to Sammy before? In this book Crossing the Line, Sammy is back in work after a 9 month absence due to a trauma at work previously. Coming back into work was like butter to toast for Sammy. Although she is still haunted by her traumas she is keen to take on big cases and ready to delve right back in to her detective work and boy she does!

I actually like the second book better than the first, something that doesn’t happen often in series. This makes me excited for the third one (which I’m just about to start).

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